Medicines and enzymes in Lyme disease
Because fibrins are one of the basic materials in biofilm formation, it has been shown that certain antifibrinolytic enzymes can be very effective in destroying them.

These include Serrapeptase and, more recently Lumbrokinase, but also Stevia, N-Acetyl Cysteine, or drugs such as Plaquenil have proven effective in destroying biofilms.
The therapeutic solutions we provide
Comprise a wide range of conventional, adjuvant and supportive therapies, which integrate medical concepts that have been built on a sturdy scientific basis and on the clinical experience of numerous Lyme disease specialists worldwide.
ImunoMedica patients have access to the latest diagnostic tools, technologies and innovations as well as to the latest and best treatments available, as soon as these are proven to be safe and effective.
How can you become a patient of our clinic?
Throughout the whole process, from your initial contact, through treatment and after you leave our clinic, our patient coordinators will guide you through the steps and support you with all their expertise, attention and kindness.
We are here to help you
Our patient coordinator will contact you soon
Phone: +40.771.518.946, e-mail: office@imuno-medica.ro