Vagus nerve stimulation, the key to our health?
at 30.12.2021Because the vagus nerve is a neural motorway that runs the entire length of our body, stimulating it can have excellent benefits for both our physical and mental health. Without exaggeration, the vagus nerve is the key to our health because it can improve almost anything, from weight to life expectancy. Some researchers assert that the vague nerve, also known as the body's "nerve of self-care," is the "future of medicine." We will enjoy optimal health if we learn to keep it in good working order.

Vagus nerve stimulation activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which has beneficial effects on the body: it increases the production of gastric acid and digestive enzymes, ensuring adequate and sustained absorption of vital nutrients; it lowers blood pressure; it regulates the immune system; and it stimulates hormones and enzymes like oxytocin and acetylcholine, which improve overall health and mood. Furthermore, studies show that the vagus nerve can receive information from the microbiome and use it to trigger appropriate responses. It will also have anxiogenic (causing anxiety) and anxiolytic (reducing anxiety) effects in response to certain stimuli, which explains why vagus nerve stimulation has a high potential for regulating mental state.
It appears that stimulating it is a far better alternative to analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs for treating pain and inflammation. Some have taken this theory a step further, claiming that the vagus nerve can "connect" to the body's latent stem cells, implying that it can not only slow cell degradation but may even stimulate cell regeneration to some extent. The vagus nerve's proper function slows cellular alteration, reducing the effects of aging. In short, we will be able to control inflammatory responses if we learn to control our vagus nerve [1].
Increasing vagal tone
Vagal tone, which defines the strength, speed, and efficiency of the vagus nerve response, is a significant factor in the effectiveness of vagus nerve stimulation. Specific biological processes, such as heart rate, respiration rate, and heart rate variability, can be used to determine the vagal tone. For example, the vagal tone is also high when the heart rate variability is high. In addition, a high vagal tone indicates that the body has a more remarkable ability to relax after stress. Indeed, scientific research has discovered a positive feedback loop between high vagal tone, positive emotions, and good physical health. In other words, a higher vagal tone equals better physical and mental health, and vice versa.
It's worth noting that the vagal tone passes down from mother to child. Depressed, anxious, and upset mothers have lower vagal activity during pregnancy, which is mirrored in the newborn, who also has low vagal activity and low dopamine and serotonin levels. Depression, anxiety disorders, Alzheimer's, migraines, Fibromyalgia, Tinnitus, alcohol addiction, autism, bulimia nervous, personality disorders, heroin addiction, memory disorders, multiple sclerosis, obsessive-compulsive disorder, severe mental illness, brain damage, and chronic fatigue syndrome have all been shown to benefit from vaginal nerve stimulation and increased vagal tone.
High vagal tone is also linked to more efficient blood circulation and processing, implying a lower risk of diabetes, stroke, cardiovascular disease, and other diseases. On the other hand, the low vagal tone has been linked to chronic inflammation, high-stress levels, and cardiovascular problems, among other things.
How do we activate the vagus nerve?
There are various methods of stimulating that are more or less invasive. For example, since 1997, people suffering from acute migraines and epilepsy have frequently been treated with surgical implantation of a vagus nerve stimulator, which regularly uses electric currents to stimulate the vagus nerve. The majority of patients reported improved physical and mental health, as well as a significant reduction in seizures and migraines. It is also widely acknowledged that using a vagus nerve stimulator may be beneficial in the treatment of depression [3, bipolar disorder, and morbid obesity]. Less invasive procedures can also be used to stimulate the vagus nerve, but the results will not be as spectacular as those obtained with the stimulator.
Here are a few highly effective methods:
Singing and humming
Because the vagus nerve is connected to the vocal cords and the muscles behind the neck, auditory vibration is one of the most intriguing methods of stimulating the vagus nerve. Singing, humming, and gargling can all help to activate these muscles and stimulate the vagus nerve. Smooth sounds also elicit a vagus nerve response heard through headphones in both ears. It has been shown to increase heart rate variability and vagal tone.
Cold temperature and cold water
You can slow it down if you have a fast heart rate by stimulating your vagus nerve. This can be accomplished by washing your face with ice-cold water for 30-60 seconds. This technique results in the so-called "diving reflex." To conserve oxygen, the vagus nerve instructs the heart to slow down. The diving reflex, first observed in cold water diving, stimulates the vagus nerve. It can quickly alleviate anxiety, panic, stress, and inflammation throughout the body and improve mood. A large, zippered plastic bag filled with ice cubes and applied from the scalp line to the lips will also work well.
Scientific studies demonstrate that cold exposure activates the vagus nerve and cholinergic neurons via the vagus nerve. Therefore, cold exposure on a regular basis reduces the pleasant response of "Fight or run!" and increases parasympathetic activity via the vagus nerve. Therefore, going outside in the winter with light clothing and cold showers is very beneficial. Try to end the shower with at least 30 seconds of cold water before gradually increasing the time interval.
During prayer, the vague nerve can be intensely stimulated by calming and gathering the mind. According to research, prayer increases vagal tone and positive emotions because, among other things, it reduces sympathetic activity and increases vagal modulation at the physiological level.
Another way to stimulate the vagus nerve is to breathe deeply and slowly. It reduces anxiety while increasing parasympathetic nervous system activity. The average person breathes between 10 and 14 times per minute. A reduction in breathing rate to about six breaths per minute is an excellent way to relieve stress. One should do deep breathing through the diaphragm. Exhaling should be slow and long. The vagus nerve is effectively stimulated in this manner, and a state of relaxation is achieved.
According to growing evidence, intestinal bacteria improve brain function by stimulating the vagus nerve. Positive changes in GABA receptors in the brain, a reduction in stress hormones, and fewer symptoms of depression and anxiety were found in guinea pigs given the probiotic Lactobacillus Rhamnosus. The vagus nerve facilitated these beneficial exchanges between the gut and the brain. Another study found that the probiotic Bifidobacterium Longum reduced anxiety by acting on the vagus nerve.
The omega-3 fatty acids
These acids, which are found in fish and fish oil, are essential fats that the body cannot produce on its own. They are required for the brain's and nervous system's normal electrical functioning. Omega-3 fatty acids, according to the researchers, increase vagal tone and activity. Fish consumption is linked to increased vagal activity and parasympathetic dominance.
Regular physical activity raises the level of brain growth hormone, keeps the mitochondria in the brain functioning properly, and aids in reversing cognitive decline. It has also been shown to stimulate the vagus nerve, explaining why it is good for the brain and mental health.
Studies have shown that massage stimulates the vagus nerve and increases vagal activity and tone. In addition, massaging specific areas of the body can stimulate the vagus nerve: massaging the legs (reflexology) increases vagal modulation and heart rate variability, decreasing the sympathetic response "Fight or run!" Carotid sinus massage can also help to reduce seizures by stimulating the vagus nerve.
Laughter and socializing
Socializing and being in a good mood can significantly reduce the body's primary stress hormone. Beneficial social relationships increase vagal tone and positive emotions, whereas laughter increases heart rate variability and improves mental state. Vague nerve stimulation frequently results in laughter as a side effect, implying that the two are linked and influence each other. So, go out with your friends and have fun because it is good for your health.
Intermittent fasting increases brain growth hormone, improves mitochondrial function, and aids in the treatment of brain fog and cognitive decline. According to research, fasting and caloric restriction also increase heart rate variability, which indicates increased parasympathetic activity and vagal tone. The most convenient way to begin the intermittent fast is to choose specific days of the week to serve one meal a day, between 16 and 19, possibly even on Church-scheduled fasting days.
So, "there is nothing new under the sun," according to Ecclesiastes 1:9! These methods of stimulating the vagus nerve are old-fashioned ways of maintaining an essential psychological and physiological well-being state. Ancestral wisdom teaches us that the most straightforward and cheapest way to keep our health is to adopt a psychosomatically balanced lifestyle. In this regard, vagus nerve stimulation proves to be a critical component, significantly contributing to disease prevention and treatment.
[1] https://bmcpregnancychildbirth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12884-021-03650-7, https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/psychological-medicine/article/abs/vagus-nerve-stimulation-for-depression-efficacy-and-safety-in-a-european-study/AF511029F46B81E993A6C3909F43C3AE
[2] https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1545968320948065
[3] https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/psychological-medicine/article/abs/vagus-nerve-stimulation-for-depression-efficacy-and-safety-in-a-european-study/AF511029F46B81E993A6C3909F43C3AE
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