Spike protein suppresses DNA repair mechanisms
at 04.12.2021A research article published in September this year by the Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, provoked lively reactions related to this topic, becoming viral in a short time. The study - entitled “SARS–CoV–2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro” and authored by two Swedish researchers in Molecular Biosciences and Clinical Microbiology and Virology, respectively - demonstrates based on experiments that the Spike protein of SARS – CoV – 2, as well as the Spike protein in anti-COVID vaccines, penetrates the cell nucleus, suppresses our body’s DNA repair engine and thus can trigger an explosion of cancers, immunodeficiency, autoimmune disorders and accelerate aging. Thus, mARN vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) and adenovirus-based vaccines (Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca) can severely disrupt the DNA repair mechanism by up to 90%.

"No issue in the history of medicine has been as strident and polarized as that of the risk/benefit profiles of the various COVID vaccines being administered around the world”, asserts the editorialist of Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, Thomas E. Levy [1]. Even if it is difficult to clarify the issue to the satisfaction of either the pro-vaccine or the anti-vaccine advocates, "all parties should realize that some toxicity does result in some vaccinated individuals some of the time and that such toxicity can sometimes be unequivocally attributed to the preceding administration of the vaccine. Whether this toxicity occurs often enough and with great enough severity in vaccinated persons to be of greater concern than dealing with the contraction and evolution of COVID infections remains the question for many people”, asserts Levy. [2]
A research article published in September this year by the Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, provoked lively reactions related to this topic, becoming viral in a short time. The study - entitled "SARS–CoV–2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro” [3] and authored by two Swedish researchers in Molecular Biosciences and Clinical Microbiology and Virology, respectively - demonstrates based on experiments that the Spike protein of SARS – CoV – 2, as well as the Spike protein in anti-COVID vaccines, penetrates the cell nucleus, suppresses our body’s DNA repair engine and thus can trigger an explosion of cancers, immunodeficiency, autoimmune disorders and accelerate aging. In this way, mARN vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) and adenovirus-based vaccines (Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca) can severely disrupt the DNA repair mechanism by up to 90%.
The DNA repair mechanism
Our organism owns a DNA repair mechanism, known as Non-Homologous End Joining (NHEJ), which is a kind of intracellular "emergency response” system that repairs double-stranded DNA breaks. Without the NHEJ mechanism, all advanced multi-cellular life would cease to exist. No human being, animal, or plant can survive without the integrity of its genetic code being protected and constantly repaired through multiple mechanisms.
DNA damage can be caused by exposure to radiation, chemicals found in foods and personal care products, or even exposure to mammography equipment. Excessive sunlight exposure can also cause DNA breaks, and minor DNA mutations occur spontaneously in all living organisms. Airline pilots, for example, are routinely exposed to ionizing radiation due to flying at altitude.
In a normal, healthy person, the NHEJ mechanism repairs the DNA and prevents a pathogenic mutation from occurring. But in the presence of the vaccine spike protein, NHEJ effectiveness is suppressed by as much as 90%, meaning it is unable to do its job due to the suppressed ability to recruit proteins for repair. As a result, the following "errors” are introduced into chromosomes inside the nuclei of human cells, all due to the presence of the spike protein from mRNA vaccines: a) mutations or "errors” in the genetic sequence; b) deletions of entire segments of genetic code; c) insertions of incorrect segments; d) mixing and matching/permutations of genetic code.
These errors, when expressed through cell division and replication, result in a) an explosion of cancer and cancer tumors throughout the body; b) loss of production of immune system B and T cells (i.e. induced immunodeficiency); c) autoimmune disorders; d) accelerated aging and reduced telomere length; e) loss of functioning of complex organ systems such as circulatory, neurological, endocrine, musculoskeletal, etc.; f) cellular damage resembling radiation poisoning as cells destroy themselves from within. Many of these effects are, of course, fatal. Others will burden vaccine victims with horrendous debilitating injuries and organ malfunctions that will require a lifetime of medical intervention.
The key role of Spike protein
1) Spike protein goes into the nucleus of the cell
The Swedish researchers "found that the Spike protein localizes in the nucleus and inhibits DNA damage repair by impeding key DNA repair protein BRCA1 and 53BP1 recruitment to the damage site”. This means that the spike protein, which is generated in cell ribosomes after the cells have been hijacked by mRNA vaccines, doesn’t always leave the cell and enter the bloodstream as we are told by mRNA vaccine proponents. In some cases, the spike protein enters the cell nucleus and interferes with the DNA repair mechanism. "Surprisingly, we found the abundance of the spike protein in the nucleus,” concludes the study authors based on their experiments. This means, without question, that mRNA vaccines result in chromosomal alterations in the body’s cells. It is confirmation that such vaccines are, indeed, wreaking havoc with genetic integrity and are exhibiting side effects that have not been anticipated or described by mRNA vaccine proponents.
Dr. Thomas Levy asserts that current evidence shows the spike protein continues to be produced in the body, following the initial mRNA injection. This phenomenon explains "the problems with thrombotic tendencies and other symptomatology seen with chronic COVID and post-vaccination patients relates directly to the persistent presence of the spike protein part of the coronavirus. Some reports assert that the spike protein can continue to be produced after the initial binding to the ACE2 receptors and entry into some of the cells that it initially targets. The clinical pictures of chronic COVID and post-vaccine toxicity appear very similar, and both are likely due to this continued presence, and body-wide dissemination, of the spike protein”, says Levy [4].
2) Spike protein suppresses the DNA repair mechanism
This indicates that the more spike proteins are present, the greater the suppression of DNA repair. The presence of the spike protein inhibits DNA repair following various insults to the DNA, such as radiation, chemical exposure, or oxidation. Importantly, as the study authors explain: "Following different DNA damage treatments, such as different irradiation, doxorubicin treatment, and H2O2 treatment, there is less repair in the presence of the spike protein.
The upshot of this finding is that people who have taken mRNA vaccines will experience suppressed DNA repair, escalating exposures that were once thought to be minor issues to significant threats to their health. In other words, people exposed to 5G radiation, mammography exams, plasticizer chemicals in food products, and carcinogens in personal care products (laundry detergents, perfumes, shampoos, skin lotions, etc.) will be unable to repair the DNA damage caused by those exposures. Following relatively small exposures, they will begin to mutate and develop cancers throughout their bodies. Don’t forget that 5G exposure results in peroxynitrite production in the blood, an extremely dangerous free radical that causes DNA damage in brain cells and tissue cells across the body.
3) The presence of the spike protein generates immunodeficiency
The researchers also find that spike proteins from mRNA vaccines can lead to immunodeficiency conditions, similar to AIDS. According to the study, "the loss of function of key DNA repair proteins such as ATM, DNA–PKcs, 53BP1, et al., leads to defects in the NHEJ repair which inhibit the production of functional B and T cells, leading to immunodeficiency”. Immune function is also critically affected by the presence of the spike protein, potentially leading to cancerous mutations throughout the body’s cells. As the study explains: "DNA damage repair, especially NHEJ repair, is essential for V(D)J recombination, which lies at the core of B and T cell immunity”.
Thus, maintaining genomic integrity is imperative for the survival of an organism. mRNA vaccines weaken the body's ability to repair DNA due to the presence of Spike protein. For this reason, the body could no longer recover from various harmful exposures (radiation, 5G or food chemicals, etc.), making it impossible for the body to maintain its genetic integrity. The conclusion of the study is that the suppression of the NHEJ DNA repair mechanism by the Spike protein will generate various serious diseases and, implicitly, will reduce the lifespan and will accelerate aging. [5]
[1] A board-certified cardiologist and a bar-certified attorney, expert in the impact of the orthomolecular application of vitamin C and antioxidants in general on chronic degenerative diseases. https://riordanclinic.org/staff/thomas-levy-md-jd/
[2] https://riordanclinic.org/staff/thomas-levy-md-jd/
[4] Mendelson M, Nel J, Blumberg L, et al. (2020) Long-COVID: an evolving problem with an extensive impact. South African Medical Journal 111:10-12. PMID: 33403997. Aucott J, Rebman A (2021) Long-haul COVID: heed the lessons from other infection-triggered illnesses. Lancet 397:967-968. PMID: 33684352. Levy T (2021) Resolving "Long-Haul COVID" and vaccine toxicity: neutralizing the spike protein. Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, June 21, 2021. http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v17n15.shtml. Raveendran A (2021) Long COVID-19: Challenges in the diagnosis and proposed diagnostic criteria. Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews 15:145-146. PMID: 33341598
[5] The article is based on https://prepareforchange.net/2021/11/03/vaccines-suppress-dna-repair-mechanism-in-your-cells/.
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